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Become a Sponsor

Become a sponsor for the 75th Annual Celebration: A Night of Honor by supporting at one of the gift levels below.

  • Bookstore & Library
    The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence of the Central Mississippi Area maintains a well-stocked bookstore and a library of materials on all 12 Step Recovery groups and also serves as an additional resource for children, adolescents, adults and families who suffer from the devastating effects of substance use disorder and other chemical dependencies.
  • Youth Prevention Programs
    These programs are designed for teens and/or pre-teens at risk or for children already involved in alcohol, tobacco and other drugs or those experiencing the consequences of a dysfunctional family environment. These skills are taught in a non-threatening way through the use of fictional stories, and written materials followed by discussion and an activity such as drawing or writing. Speakers and materials are made available to schools, churches, civic organizations, businesses and youth groups. These programs deal with the disease of alcoholism and other drug addictions, its effects on the family, how to recognize symptoms of the disease and how to begin recovery.
  • Tobacco Program
    This program is designed to prevent the initiation of tobacco use and end teenage addiction to tobacco by involving youth in tobacco awareness efforts in our state.
  • RADAR Center
    NCADD is a Regional Alcohol and Drug Awareness Resource (RADAR) Center, sponsored by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP). As a network member, NCADD has priority access to the latest prevention information, publications, and audio-visual materials.
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